Fundiverse aims to empower you to match the best qualities of index funds - low fees, broad diversification, ease of use - with your personal investing values and beliefs. It's the middle ground between picking stocks and picking the entire market.
Your personalized index starts with an existing slice of the market as abase which you can then customized by reweighting lists of stocks or individual stocks. Fundiverse then integrates with your brokerage to execute the orders to build your portfolio.
For the tech-saavy: Fundiverse is an streamlined UI on top of an equally open-source python library; you can use the underlying package directly if a UI isn't your thing.
The stock market has historically been one of the most consistent ways of building long-term wealth.
Modern stock investing emphasizes index funds for retail investers - "you can't beat the market". Fundiverse is based on the premise that this wisdom is correct; but that there is still room for personal preference and expression even when building a broadly diversified portfolio.
Buying the market implicitly implies supporting every publically traded company equally - there are many reasons why you may not want to do that. Fundiverse's goal is to give you the freedom to express yourself while achieving your financial goals - all with no cost.
That's why Fundiverse is built on index funds. Start with something you know works and then make it your own. For example, you can exclude oil companies, or weight them more if you think they'll out-perform the market. You could exclude Amazon, Apple, or Meta.
Fundiverse does not provide investment advice. It is a tool to help those with investing knowledge build a portfolio that reflects their values and beliefs. Do not invest what you cannot afford to lose. All investment decisions are your own.